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Old 01-19-2006, 02:15 PM   #1
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Question For freesite webmasters re: content usage

I have a question.

I just purchased a set of over 300 pics, something I usually do not do. I usually buy small sets, just big enough for the site that I'm making.

However, as I looked at this set, I realized it could be divided into a lot of different niches, allowing me to make a variety of sites from the same set. Each site would use a *different* collection of pictures, but it would be the same model. Same outfit for the most part, same plain backdrop.

My question is regarding submitting to linksites. Most linksites to which I submit only accept one site per day. Each of the sites I will build will be of a different niche, but it would be the same model. I don't think submitting for several days in a row with sites from the same model, even if they are different niches, would be a good idea. Would these sites be rejected if submitted thusly?

Or am I over-thinking this entire process?

Any opinions?
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