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Old 01-19-2006, 03:19 PM   #2
Mr. Blue
Mr. Blue should edit this
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I've bought some bulk content, great price, etc, but they'll of course maybe have 8 sets of the same model. The way I work it is staggering the submissions whether its for tgp or freesites.

For tgps I'll wait around 2 weeks before using the model again. (Sometimes less if the sets are very different)

For freesites I wait a pinch longer as they don't get as many daily submits.

I'm not a huge fan of having to pay for sets that have 80 pictures + for one set. It's not always easy to find smaller sets 20/30 pics that aren't oversaturated.

I do find it takes me awhile as a reviewer to remember a set / model unless she's very unique looking. I mean I want to review as many galleries per hour...no time for looking, studying, and admiring the content
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