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Old 01-19-2006, 08:22 PM   #10
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Originally posted by MorganGrayson
That's so true it made me go "ouch."

Every generation has to watch its "icons" pass and its always painful. I look around, though, and realize that ours might be the last generation that has true "icons."

There is no replacement for Bob Hope, who risked all to entertain the troops during war time. My father saw his show in Vietnam.

Has all the ground been broken?
as much as my heart pains for greats such as Hope, rat pack, carson and others - each generation has someone who makes their mark that defines a moment in someones life. We have many great icons left to love - Elton John, Jack Nicholson, Dustin, Simon Garfunkle, Rod Stewart, Kiss and many others even some of the saturday night live cast.

I can see a new generation (dakota fanning, kids from Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings) and some young musicians that will have just a deep meaning to our kids as every generation looks back fondly on their youth and says, "it will never be like that again". and you know what? it wont - our only hope is that each one gets better, and learns the mistakes of those gone past.

Skype: robjameswarren

"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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