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Old 09-05-2002, 03:39 PM   #22
Aly should edit this
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Okay... I don't usually mix the biz in with personal shit, but what the hell... This was my most romantic night ever:

As far as I knew, we were supposed to be going to a restaurant for a nice dinner. On the way, we pulled into the park and got out of the car. Right there, in the middle of the park, was a dining table with fine china, linen, silverware and crystal, surrounded by tiki torches. "Our" CD was plaing on a little stereo. No sooner had I sat down than a waiter appeared out of the darkness and handed me a bunch of roses, saying "These are for you Ma'am..." We then were served a delicious, hot three course meal, oh.. with coffee and dessert on a picnic blanket nearby....

It was one hell of an exercise in logistics, performed by friends not professionals.

It made me move 3000 miles actually!
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