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Old 01-20-2006, 07:04 PM   #1
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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Default Fun Brunette seems to be upset with me?

FB and I have a long history with each other. Somehow it's gotten to the point where I seem to play a lot of pranks on her.

Once I called her up and told her I was at my Grandmother's house in Plattsburg, New York, about an hour from Montreal. She got all excited that I was coming up to visit and then I never showed. Opps.

Today I told her to call me and gave her a new number. When she questioned the area code, I told her I was in San Francisco for "training". She called the number and spoke to someone at the Church of Satan for some time. In fact, I think he freaked her out pretty bad.

So FB calls me cell phone sometime this afternoon and I failed to pick up the phone for reasons I'd rather not explain. She left me a rather nice message saying "Oh, fuck, I'm soooo goonnna get youuuuuu honey!" and "GAME ON".

I'm still waiting dear.
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