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Thread: Bad day for me!
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Old 01-23-2006, 10:44 AM   #10
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by war_ner
That sucks indeed but I guess blaming anybody or yourself won't help solve any issue..
You're most certainly right, it never solved or even aided any situation.
However, it's human. I can count the number of times where - before I got up and coped - I allowed myself the refuge of massive self-pity. Never for very long, of course - they do tend to put you in the "comfy place" if you get carried away with that - but for just a little bit.

Then...you carry on.

xxxmalouxxx...you've ranted - good for you. You've gotten emotional and sought out the comfort of your friends - good for you. You've now hit the "carry on" part of the process.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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