Originally posted by Funbrunette
Sounds like a plan...Ever feel like just telling the whole world to er...well you know! I need thicker skin! Mother Theresa died....No need for me to take over...lol I've saddly realized that the more you give the more people take...And when you need them where are they?
Oh! Pull up a chair, everybody. This could take a minute or...twelve.
FB...somebody asked me once why I'm so nice and why I help people. (This was so far pre-internet the transcripts can be carbon dated.) I said "it's what I am." (For those of you that pay attention, notice it's not "who" I am, it's "what" I am.) The conversation progressed and I was asked what I expected to get back. I cheerfully said "screwed, usually." There was a silence. A clearing of the throat. And...an obvious question. If I *knew* that all I was going to get back was screwed, why in the hell did I persist in that behavior.
A long time ago I read that people behave in a way that supports their self image. (Most people think it's the other way 'round, that your self image is determined when you look at your behavior, but this psychologist maintained that the self-image came first, followed by the supporting behavior.)
Apparently, some time ago - in childhoold most likely, I looked at myself and decided I was a nice, helpful person and proceeded to behave that way. That is *what* I am. Experience has told me that giving and expecting to get back every time is stupid and fruitless. One gives because that is what one is.
The upside of all this is that every once in a while you run into one of those people that give back automatically. When you do, it's like a drug, and makes up for everyone else. It doesn't take much giving back, either. Listening for a while; talking for a while; hell, an appropriately timed smilie faced e-card can do it.
You're nicer than you have to be, FB. I can tell you *that* right now. However, do it for yourself, not because you believe that anyone else will live up to your standards. They won't. But, every once in a while, you'll trip over someone who will...and you'll be glad that you're the sort of person *that* person wants to hang out with.