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Old 01-23-2006, 12:15 PM   #9
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by TheLegacy
due to my diabetes I am not able to have coffee as regularly as I wish - and having a Tim Hortons right across the street from my condo does not help one bit. I do like your overview and perhaps that is one of many reasons I like you so much.

I hope this week is enjoyable and prosperous for you and that your coffee's will always be freshly imported ground.

If you will all be so good as to direct your attention elsewhere, I shall seduce Robert on the floor. Women my age don't handle floors well, so we may be down there for some time.

Robert...I, too, am a diabetic. (Watch your blood sugar, that's how I ended up with diabetic neuropathy, a fun little condition that causes a most specific constant burning-tingling-pain. Luckily, for me at least, it responds well to high levels of Neurontin. I drove the sensations down to my feet, where I can ignore them.)

As usual, I digress.

I drink black coffee now. I kicked the sugar decades ago, when my husband put some arithmetic to the amount of sugar consumed daily due to coffee. So, I always had my coffee with International Delight Vanilla Creamer. I managed to kick that, too. For a while, my coffee tasted horrible. My husband kept saying "you'll get used to it that way." I grumbled, grumbled some more, went on drinking black coffee, and finally one day I made that "first coffee of the morning" groaning sound of appreciation for a cup of black coffee. I *never* thought that would happen.

I've also found that coffee helps the pain. I have no idea why.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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