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Old 11-27-2002, 12:34 PM   #47
Masters should edit this
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Caribbean
Posts: 95
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Great stories... hey Twinkley,... talk about m-a-i-l-o-u-t-s....!


I remember one time in Vegas, about 2 years ago, I was at this party up in the Mirage... Had just flown in that day, got no sleep and was still up at it at 2:00 am. I also remember not eating much at all that day, and being upset that I didn't even eat dinner. Well needless to say I was up in the Mirage just coming from Cartoonbucks party, and only had maybe 2 drinks in like 4 hours time. Anyways, I'll get to the point, I remember going up into the Mirage presendential suite, which was about the size of my walkin closet, with RogerV, Aaron and some other people and as soon as I walked in it was not only packed to the hilt yet, dark and hot. It looked like ripleys believe it or not was there seeing how many people they could fit into the smallest suite. I met BobbyR and he turned me on to a nice smoke. Suck the whole thing down in about 2 seconds and as I was chatting with one of two GBP linebackers I started feeling dizzy. Having claustrophobia, not eating, not sleeping and sucking that smoke down must have all started to take effect on me... I excused my self to get out into, what I remember, a really cool hallway. As I was trying to make it to the door the walls closed in... I turned pale white, so people say, and fell straight back like a 2x6.

After I was carried into the hallway I awoke and started feeling better. Proceeded downstairs and in passing the circularcasino bar I stopped, had a double or triple scotch... caught a cab and literally slept for a day.

I missed Evans pajama party and the whole next day of the show.

In Miami about at this last show the same thing happened, I had just come from the Insite suite where BobbyR and a few other people were and upon feeling dizzy I said good night and passed out in the elevator really cutting up my face from my glasses. The time was about 2 am as well!

I finally figured it out... No sleep, no food, and running on very little energy... I am hypoglycemic.

Either that or BobbyR is possesed...lol

Keep on Rockin'
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