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Old 01-24-2006, 02:16 PM   #5
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Some things SEs like:
the < h1 >< /h1 > tags, for keywords at the very top of your page.
the < b >< /b > tags, also for keywords at the very top of your page.
the "alt" tags, also for keywords
the names of the images. For example, whatever banner you use may come with it's own often incomprehensible name. Rename the thing to hyphenated keywords when you save it. For example, if I was downloading an AdultDateLink banner to try and covert their mature site, I would rename the banner "date-mature-women.gif" for example.

Site titles: you can either use text for the title or a very simple graphic. Now, this graphic will allow you to use an alt tag full of keywords for the SEs, and thus is a good thing. But the graphic should be *simple,* just colored text in a font that matches the background of your site. Absolutely NOTHING on your site should pull the surfer's eye AWAY from your sponsor's banners.

You are allowed three sponsor links for each page by all major linksites. Use them well. Preferably, only one of them should be animated. Otherwise, the whole page is moving and the collective result is to make the eye turn off.

Each banner or text link should live in its own eye catching table with plenty of text around it, linked or unlinked. Make your banners pop. They should leap off the page. Use alt tags for all banners and title tags for all linked text. (A "title" tag is like an "alt" tag for a link. After the sponsor link, put a space then title="" with keywords in between the quotation marks. Then when the surfer cursors over the linked text, the tag will pop up.)

Next up, since we're on the index page, we'll work on the crucial "warning statement" that all sites must have.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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