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Old 01-24-2006, 03:54 PM   #6
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Default The "Warning"

All freesites need to start with an index/warning page. On this page, there should be absolutely NO hardcore. None. Zip. Nada. That means choose your banners carefully. All orifices should remain uninserted. Save your hardcore banners for *inside the site.* You'll have three pages to put hardcore banners on.

All index/warning pages must also contain the "warning." We may be drifting into "one webmaster's opinion" time heavily here, but what the hell, it's my thread.

Don't put your warning in a text box. Put it right on the page. Make it a smaller font and a different color than your usual text. The warning has to be there, but you're not writing an essay for the surfers to read.

Provide an exit link in your warning, preferably to either one of your nonadult sites or to a nonadult sponsor of yours. (Let them figure out how to get to Google on their own. Sending them there with your exit link gets you nothing, unless you happen to have the site listed on google, in which case you must link your exit link to the specific page your site is on to get any SE weight out of the link...which means you no longer have a nonadult exit link.)

This is a sample warning:
Before continuing, please be advised:
This adult sex site is intended for the entertainment of legal adults *only.* The free amateur sex pics and erotic text contained herein discuss sexual situations in a frank and open manner. Do not make this site available to minors. If you are offended by free sex pics and erotica, i.e. porn, please leave now. You are responsible for knowing and abiding by the standards in your own locality.

As you can see, I've worked a few keywords into that warning. Since it's text on the page, the SE thinks of it as "content," which is how I want the SE to think of it. I link the "leave now" to my nonadult site. It's short, it's simple...and you can work a lot more keywords into it.

If you have a black site, insert the word "black" before "adult sex site," call them "free black sex pics" and "black erotica" instead of "erotic text."

You can do the same with any niche. Work the keywords *into* your warning, making the warning itself do double duty. It covers your ass, as it is supposed to, and it feeds the spiders some content.

With regards to layout, I put my warning above my linkback buttons and my enter link. I save the top of the page for a couple of sponsor banners, the formatted keywords, the site title and descriptive text.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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