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Old 01-24-2006, 04:49 PM   #1
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Default Poor Work Performance Blamed on Internet

Read this carefully. The wording is an absolute hoot

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - About 20 percent of government staff in one Malaysian state use the Internet for personal activities including downloading pornography, music and games, the national news agency reported Tuesday.

This was one of the main causes of poor work performance in Johor state, Bernama said quoting a top state official, Norsiah Harun, adding that large file downloads also considerably slowed the state government's computer system.

Norsiah said the government viewed the matter seriously and would enforce the relevant regulations soon. She reminded all department heads to be firm in tackling the problem and to remind their staff of their responsibilities, Bernama said.

"Government staff are also reminded not to take too long during morning and afternoon breaks," she said.

"...government viewed the matter seriously and would enforce the relevant regulations soon." SOON? She's going to enforce the regularions SOON? Wow. That puts the fear of government right down the ol' spine, doesn't it?

"'Government staff are also reminded not to take too long during morning and afternoon breaks,' she said." Well, now. Don't take "too long" on the morning and afternoon breaks.

You can certainly see why she became a "top official" with that kind of fierce response to "serious matters."
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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