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Old 01-25-2006, 01:39 PM   #9
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Default Site titles

Eventually, it will strike you that you'll have to figure out what to call the thing. You want it to be an evocative title, i.e. one that the surfer will find clickable. You want it to accurately describe the pics. For the SEs, you'd want it to have keywords in it.

Often it's difficult to combine all three of those elements into one maximum three word title.

You can do one of two things: put the title in text on the page or make a graphic and get the keywords into the alt tags. (SEs like alt tags and graphic names.)

If you make a graphic, make it a simple one. Don't have it pull the eye away from your sponsor banners. A nice font with complimentary colors on a background that matches the background of your site is enough. Name the graphic a keyword or keyword phrase, and use an alt tag for keywords.

For example "Felicia Fucks Everybody" is a nice title for a group sex site, but it contains no "group sex" keywords. Make the graphic, name it group-sex.jpg and use the alt tag to hold group sex keywords, and you've fed the SEs. If you had just put that in text on the page, unless a surfer happens to be searching for "Felicia fucks everybody," it does you no good as far as SE food.

Underneath your site title, however you make it, put text. Keyword laden text that describes Felicia and her group sex adventures. You're not writing a novel, just feeding the spiders and making your surfer want to continue.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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