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Old 01-25-2006, 04:51 PM   #10
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Always read the rules of the linksites to which you plan to submit. This seems like a simple thing, but as any frustrated linkmaster will tell you - it isn't.

Once you've read the rules and determined if your site meets the criteria, make absolutely certain that you: 1) have the *correct* recip link on the index/warning page and 2) are submitting to the correct category. (This one particularly drives linkmasters crazy.)

How many linkbacks should you have? Well, if the sites you're submitting to have a preference, they'll tell you. Otherwise, I'd start with 8-10, in neat tables, and see if you're accepted by the sites.

Note: always check to see if your sites have been accepted by the sites to which you submit. You don't want to wast a lot of time submitting to sites that aren't listing you. Also, check your stats to see if these sites are indeed sending you traffic. You don't want to waste time on submitting to sites that don't send you traffic.

Put your third sponsor link under your linkback table and above your "Enter" link, which of course should be large and visible. It should also be the only time you put the word "Enter" on the page. Don't put it in text links and avoid banners that say "Enter." (Some linkmasters can be sticklers on this.)

I put "Enter Site Name," with of course, the site title in place of "Site Name." I also put a title tag on the link that says something like "free sex pics." ("free black sex pics" if it's a black site, and so on."

Under the "Enter" link, I have a table that contains the ICRA button (unlinked) and a < td > reminding parents that they ought to raise their damned kids (I don't actually phrase it that way, but I'd like to) and type out the url to a couple of filtering software companies. *None* of that is linked.

Under that, at the very bottom of the page, is the tiny link to my 2257 Compliance Information, which is available from every content provider or sponsor. DO NOT make the mistake of linking directly to the page on the sponsor's website that has the information. If you do, you've just sent a surfer to the site *without* having first had him click on your affiliate link. He can now sign up at the site without YOU making any money. I've seen webmasters do this and it makes me want to scream. Make pages with the 2257 info for everybody you use and keep them handy.

Remember: unless it gives you traffic or a chance to make money, do NOT link it.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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