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Old 01-26-2006, 11:22 AM   #13
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Smile Important for novices and lurkers

No matter how hard I try to methodically go down the pages of the "Simple, Basic Freesite," I'm going to forget something or state something in an unclear manner.

I want all newbies - I prefer "novices" but most boards call new webmasters "newbies" - and lurkers (people reading but not as of yet posting) to know that questions are appreciated. ALL questions.

As it has so often been said, the only "stupid question" is the one you didn't ask.

I've heard them all...coming out of my own mouth. Frankly, I'd like to find a prize to give out to the person who asks a question I either haven't asked myself or haven't heard before.

Ask it in a post, or if you don't feel comfortable doing that, send me a private message. Believe me, I remember how difficult it was to make my first posts. I was SO afraid of saying something stupid. However, if you look around a bit, you'll realize people are saying stupid things on boards all the time...and nobody keels over dead from it.

If you ask a question to which I do not know the answer, I can guarantee you that I know someone that *will* know the answer. This thread is meant to assist you in the most important thing of all...making money.

I'm doing this thread to repay a debt. A lot of people helped me when I first started out in this business. I can't do anything for them personally at this point, so I repay the debt by helping other newbies.

In a sense, we're all "newbies." This business changes so quickly that we're all climbing up one learning curve or another.

I can also give you a hand, metaphorically speaking, in email or ICQ if you'd prefer. But...we'd love it if you felt comfortable enough to post and become a happy XNationer. This is a good board. A *very* good board. Nobody will flame you or piss with you if you come out of the shadows and post. (Funbrunette will have them for lunch if they do!)
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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