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Old 01-28-2006, 03:55 AM   #18
Mr. Blue
Mr. Blue should edit this
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Very nice thread Morgan

I have a question, I'm not a novice though, but with freesites I'm willing to admit a little lack of knowledge at times as it's not my specialty.

My question is, how many link lists should you submit to? I have a working theory that submitting to a lot of Link Lists is a bad thing. My theory basically follows that if you duplicate a freesite to accomodate 100 Link Lists, that google and other engines will nail you because of their duplicate page penalty.

The smaller Link Lists will also barely send you a trickle of traffic, which also makes me wonder if its a productive endeavor. Is building and designing pages for say 12 Big LinkLists and gearing it towards SE traffic a better idea? Or should you submit to as many places possible?
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