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Old 01-28-2006, 03:59 PM   #21
Mr. Blue
Mr. Blue should edit this
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Ah interesting, I've noticed though that many of the mid-sized to smaller LL's want the same "treatment" as the big linklists and they don't want doorway pages. So the structure would be

Gallery one
Gallery two

And that would have to be in it's own folder. That's where I thought the duplication penalty would come into play because you would have say 4 folders, 4 websites, basically with the same information (you can link the photos, thumbnails in a seperate directory though cause it would be insane to do otherwise).

I group the big LL's together, that page almost always ends up with a PR 2 or 3...the smaller pages either never get PR or might scrape out a PR1. That's what got me thinking about the whole, "Less is More" type thing, at least if you're going after SE traffic.

I suppose you could change the alt tags, the description on the pages, etc, but I thought that might be overkill for a site that will give you little traffic and a little pr bounce.

I know there's ways to remove the duplication penalty by using a robot.txt to not index the secondary sites, but I haven't done that as I think it would piss off the smaller LL's who tend to act like they're the big ones, lol.
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