Mr. Blue...thank you!
The linklist is taking a *lot* of work. Last time around, lo these many years ago, I made a "pretty" linksite. I did my own descriptions, which made my traffic soar. I got fan mail. (In fact, one of the more mortifying moments of my life was when a friend of one of my daughters howled "YOUR *MOTHER* IS MORGAN GRAYSON?!?!?! I LOVE HER SITE! I'VE GOT IT BOOKMARKED!" I crawled under the bed for a few days before I could begin to cope with *that.*)
This time around I have a "mentor," a gentleman with a successful linksite that's been around forever. It's changed my perspective on a lot of things, but in a very good way. I'm hoping to make this site grow to the benefit of everyone involved, myself and my submitters.
It's a *lot* of work to do this right.