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Old 01-31-2006, 10:49 AM   #2
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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I charge big bucks for looking at other people's tours......

How much content you put up on a tour is up to you and what you feel comfortable with. The number thing you need to remember is that with every click you loose a percentage of your surfers because they loose interest or what ever reason. So the goal is to always keep them one click from a join page.

Here's a few quick things.....

1) This page isn't your tour, it's your landing page. It should have a few pictures, a warning, and an enter and leave button. I came to this page and had to look for the link to the tour; It was obvious to me (but it's early in the morning and I'm a bit slow in the morning). Make it clear where the tour is. A good exmple is the Lightspeed Cash tours - See how the buttons stand out? http://www.jordancapri.com/
2) The site design itself is pretty good. Simple yet looks professional, which I think is the best way to come across. The only thing I can complain here is that I think you should have a border around the pictures of the girls.
3) The quality of the girls is pretty damn good, which is nice to see. However, I question Loli Feder and Louise Glover. Those are just not flattering pictures. More than any other place you want to put your very best content first.
4) Again, as I mentioned in my first point, you need to have the surfer always one click away from the join page. When I scroll to the bottom of this page http://www.wildcatsworld.com/sexy-babes.asp I'm not seeing a join link. Don't make the surfer look for the link - they should always see it on your page.

Overall this is a good tour. I can see surfers signing up for it, which means I'd push it myself.

Good job man!
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