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Old 02-01-2006, 02:31 AM   #20
cdsmith is washing his emu
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Originally posted by Rochard
No, no breaks. I don't know about you or the rest of you in this thread, but for me I'm making killer money; Money seems to grow on trees and is being handed out for free. After five years of being in the industry the only bill I have left is my house payment; All of my cars and toys are paid off, and I have no other bills. Give me another two years and I'll have my house paid off too.
Roc, I've made great money from this biz since the late 90's. it doesn't stop just because you're not sitting at the computer, but you knew that already.... right?

You know, for the first few years I was getting started I remember working sometimes 3 and 4 days straight with little or no sleep even, I had new website projects on the go regularly and was making money hand over fist. But eventually I came to ease up a bit, and I realized that websites don't shut off just because I take a day, a week or even a month or more off. And that's the beauty of this biz, if you set yourself up right you can do something that I for one could never do while working for someone else, and that is..... take time off whenever I feel like it.

God bless the interenet and free enterprise.
It's time you clicked...

... one SWEET program.

ICQ me: 31024634 .... let's talk about getting you some PussyCash!
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