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Old 11-27-2002, 07:51 PM   #28
StuartD should edit this
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Originally posted by sherie
No Chris, he bleached his skin I swear!! Funny how none of the other Jackson's contracted this so called "disease"

As for his face, his plastic surgeons should be shot for doing what they did to that man. The guy has to wear a mask to hide the hideous nature of his face! He was obsessed with the elephant man and now he has become somewhat of a freak himself! The elephant man was born that way unlike Michael who spent loads to destroy his face....

His children are white, which I find a tad bit peculiar! Anyone else find this strange?
If I was to look at a pic of him now, and a pic of him back in the Billy Jean days.... I'd swear to God that it was a different person entirely.... ain't no person in the world that would look at the two pics and say "yeah, that's him"
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
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