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Old 02-15-2006, 05:06 AM   #1
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Default PussyCash presents… $100 for EVERY ImLive sign-up!

From February 16 through February 28, PussyCash is paying $100 for EVERY ImLive sign-up, starting from the very first sign-up! There are no conditions. There are no restrictions. There is absolutely no bull shit.
Never before in the history of adult webmaster affiliation programs has a company given away money like this!
There’s never been a $100 sign-up rate for EVERY sign-up from the first sign-up EVERY hour of the day and every day of the week with NO conditions! It’s just unheard of! But that’s why PussyCash is known as the ground breaking industry affiliation program – we mix business with pleasure bringing our affiliates the most generous payments on the net.
When PussyCash webmasters refer users to ImLive, their traffic gets an automatic gift of $6 FREE VideoChat credit so they can experience ImLive for free. No wonder the ImLive sign-up rates are through the roof!
Webmasters interested in watching their site’s profits soar should send all of their traffic to the web's hottest webcam site, ImLive, for live interaction with over 11,000 VideoChat Hosts and payments of $100 for every single sign-up. PussyCash also offers its webmasters the opportunity to send traffic to the WildMatch.com adult matchmaking wonderland to earn $50 or 50% commission for every sign-up.
To learn more about the $100 payouts for every sign-up and to begin promoting ImLive and WildMatch, visit www.PussyCash.com
Mix Business with Pleasure

ICQ: 174167541
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