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Old 02-20-2006, 08:01 PM   #1
tranza should edit this
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Default SPONSOR CHALLENGE - Mayors Money! Put up or pay up! TGP traffic test - Stats inside!

Last week I started a thread asking if any sponsor could guarantee that their traffic converts better than 1:1,000 with a mix of TGP and LinkList traffic. And the response was awesome, a lot of sponsors afirmed that they would convert better.

So I started a challenge: would any sponsor put their money where their mouth is? That's right, I dared the sponsors to put up or pay up!

Since the response was awesome I decided to share the stats of each and all sponsors I test with you guys. So each 15 days I'll be testing a new sponsor, I'll let him tell me which sites convert better and I'll send 5k unique clicks to each site to test. And ALL the stats will be posted on the boards.

The first sponsor that approached me accepting the challenge was Mayors Money. Wizzo himself told me to send the traffic to 3 sites of his program: Brooke Skye, Faith Belle and Snatches. And he promissed me that if I didn't convert better than 1:1,000 he would pay me $100 cash.

The first stats will be posted this wednesday, but so far I have to say that I have been impressed with what I've seen.

SPONSOR CHALLENGE is born, and I'll update the site at least once a week with the results. I'll also post a more detailed stats at the end of the test and I'll give my review if the sponsor is worth it or not!

Stay tuned guys, this is your chance to see how the sponsors really convert with TGP traffic, and not just some bs account rep talk.
<p align="center">
$10 QUALITY HAND SUBMISSIONS - Do you hate submiting TGP galleries but can't afford to lose their traffic? Hit us up, we'll love to do your dirty work for you. Our prices start at $10 only!

ICQ: 197-556-237 | E-mail: tranza@qualityhandsubmissions.com</p>
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