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Old 03-01-2006, 11:48 PM   #21
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by Shane

It's not the best picture, but this is me
I think you went to school with my kids!
(I tend to think that of everyone of a certain age dressed entirely in black. My kids were Goths and I knew some of the absolutely coolest, nicest Goth kids in the world. I wanted a t-shirt that said "Official Goth Mom," but my daughter never got around to having it made.)

But...I digress....

Rochard, darling, you're not only intelligent and funny, you're absolutely adorable.

Shane...at my very first convention I was so frightened I never even signed in. I just sat outside with my husband, holding his hand and praying my heart wouldn't slam through my chest. ("Agoraphobic Road Trip" was what we called that little adventure.) Then...I ran into a couple of labeled people I knew via email who gave me a little job to do that involved handing things out...and I met the immediate planet. Every single one of them was nice to me and the fear left. I've been to a kazillion conventions since then. Everyone is labeled and meeting people is the easiest thing in the world. Just read their name badge, make sure yours is showing...and walk up with a big smile and your hand out for a shake. (Don't worry about ever repeatedly introducing yourself to the same person, either. I had one webmaster who introduced himself to me three times over the years. I never told him he'd done that, either. I know damned well I'd done it, too.) Also remember always that most of the people around you haven't met each other in person, either, and they're probably *all* nervous. I want to make it to Phoenix and I haven't been to a convention in years. I have something new to worry about and I've been repeatedly told it's silly. This will be the first convention - if I can go - that I will be in my wheelchair. I feel more than a little awkward about running into people that knew me when I was able to walk around. Luckily, all of the people I want to meet in Phoenix are people I've never met in person before. I've known Evil Chris virtually since dinosaurs ruled the internet but I do not believe we've ever met in person.

I talk about this in public like this because when I read my own posts it does indeed look like a pretty stupid thing to worry about...and that helps. It ain't easy bein' me sometimes...but I know I make it harder than it has to be by worrying.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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