Stephane76...My youngest has a cat named "Diesel," so named because the tiny bit of fluff of a kitten had a purr that rattled the windows. He grew up to be bigger than your dog. Diesel is currently attempting to put out a contract on my daughter's boyfriend. He is very, very jealous. His sister Sass, on the other hand, has a crush on the boyfriend, which causes some sibling feline friction in the form of two extremely large cats going at it. Sad to say, "Big D" is a lover not a fighter and his sister kicks his ass - and we had to have her declawed for doing that. She can still curl up those soft paws and punch like Rocky, though.
stacey...I am so very sorry, and I understand. I had to have my cherished Darla put down. The pain will never go away. It took years before I could even contemplate another dog. When the "dog yearnings" began to come back...I didn't do anything. My Dingo sort of appeared in my life. I firmly believe it was because I was ready to have another dog and so was my husband. Dingo is the perfect dog: adores us, adores the cats, is smaller than all the cats and could never hurt them, either deliberately or accidentally.
stacey...people who just "own" dogs can always go out and get another. People who "love" dogs, who have dogs as members of their families and as their best friends, have to go through the same grieving process they'd go through if they lost a human love. When the time is right for you, the dog will appear. Maybe a puppy in a box in front of the grocery store; maybe the day you wake up and find your feet leading you to the animal shelter for some reason; maybe a friend says "I rescued this abused animal." It will happen for you, stacey. Your new dog is out there somewhere and you'll find each other.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.