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Old 03-06-2006, 01:35 PM   #33
Shane should edit this
I'm just a girl
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I love that picture, that is to good!

All these wonderful first time stories of going to shows! It's really relaxing to know that I'm not the only person to get a case of the butterflies. I'm totally excited about being there but every time I think about boarding the plane my tummy does a few flips. LOL
I do think it's going to be a real blast over all though. I recognize a lot of the names of those who are going and I'm really looking forward to putting a face to all the names. That will be very cool.

As far as a gimmick...
I'm really easy to blush. So if you see me odds are good my face will be totally red. But I think what people remember most about me when they meet me is I'm one of those people who will tell it like it is...
Shane ICQ# 33163380

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