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Old 03-07-2006, 12:29 PM   #16
MorganGrayson should edit this
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We're definitely "cat people," especially "rescure cat people."

One of my daughters says "I'm blaming YOU for this, Mom! You had to raise us to be responsible!" (We tend to keep and raise whatever shows up, instead of taking anything to the pound.)

Little Keylala simply walked in the door one day at the old apartment. The management decided they were "going condo" and instituted a "no pets" policy. That caused some scum of the planet humans to simply toss their pets out the front door. The kitten was smart enough to haul her tiny butt up a flight of stairs to my daughters' apartment. (They still don't know 1. how she managed to do that and 2. how she knew she'd end up with a pampered life if she did.)

Yzma is the cat rescued from the same people that had my little dog Dingo.

Xaos has no tail. It had to be amputated. Every bone in that poor cat's tail had been broken - something that really couldn't happen by accident.

Poor Meera is what happens when cousins marry. They frequently have to make her stop staring at the sun.

Also among their very large animal brood is a rabbit. The rabbit and Keylala are the best of pals and like to chase each other and wrestle all over the apartment.

My son-in-law wants a lizard. Stay tuned for further developments....
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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