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Old 03-09-2006, 02:51 PM   #26
Nickatilynx should edit this
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All of the above IMHO.

If I could get 100,000 HITS A DAY FROM tgps i'D TAKE THEM.

IMHO All traffic is good.

Refining it , and maximising it, is the art.

Historically the most success I have had was making a soup of traffic.

Blending TGP skim ,free host skim , affiliate traffic ,with SE hits and opt in mail.

Through constraints of time I let the less productive traffic slip away and concentrated on the most productive traffic.

Initially SE and then mail.

However I am slowly building that traffic up.

Another suggestion I'd make is to never confine yourself to purely adult traffic.I have had reasoinable success sending alledged adult traffic to non adult programs..

but I digress...
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