Hi, Serge!
I've been a staunch anti-handgun ownership since the night I almost shot my husband. He was working one of those wierd schedules, and I thought he wasn't home and someone had broken into the house. I had my hand on the gun, which was on the top shelf of the closet, when he cleared his throat and I recognized the sound. I took my hand away, got back into bed, and shook for a long time.
And, yes, the case can be made that if it *had* been a drug seeking wacko going through my medicine cabinit, the gun may have saved both mine and my two young daughter's lives. I prefer not to think about that...which gun owners will no doubt tell me is a nice "head in the sand" approach to reality...which is...I'm going to go make coffee now....
Amazing story, though, Bhelliom, and thank you.