I've seen a lot of commercials for it, FB. It will most likely be scary with a higher "gross" factor than the original, which I didn't see, but all remakes lately seem to make use of the improvements (?) in special effects.
After seeing "The Grudge" together, my youngest - a definite horror movie afficionada - and I watched the original Japanese movie. Now, *that* one scared the heck out of both of us. It also had a lot of sub-plots that were left out of the remake.
I wish Hollywood would get centered on the difference between "scary" and "gross." It would improve their horror movie output considerably.
I remember an episode of "Criminal Minds" that reminded me of a Frankenstein movie that scared me as a child. The bad guy in "Criminal Minds" was standing watching the house in the middle of the day...in the bright sunshine. That's what made it so scary. The sunshine is supposed to drive *away* the monsters...and when it doesn't....yikes.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.