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Old 03-10-2006, 02:39 AM   #14
Shane should edit this
I'm just a girl
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After working for several years at alarm monotoring companies, I have to say I am no fan of guns.
The vast majority of calls we had that were gun related wer accidental shootings where the gun belonged to the home owners.
We have one in the house (so not my idea), since my husband comes from a family of gun owners. However it's locked away in a gun box and the keys are hidden away where only we could find them.
I've only pulled it out of the box once. We lived in a really, really bad neighborhood and my hubby was away on biz. I heard shots out in my backyard and went for the gun then called the cops. I was up all night with visions of what could have happened running in my head all night. Guns just freak me out.
Shane ICQ# 33163380

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