Originally posted by gunner
it's the slippery slope.
today he joins a piss fetish website.... once that doesn't do it for him anymore, he's hiding in bathrooms.
Point is, we don't like to think about it, but there are a ton of paysite members, free site surfers, and overall adult Internet 'users' who are child predators, convicted rapists, etc.
That's the logic the anti-porn crusaders use, that porn has some kind of causal effect on the behavior. However, statistically I'm certain, people who look at porn sites don't actually do anything other than look at porn sites. (Some of us manage to actually build the things and only look at the content long enough to categorize it and never look at it again.)
What's scarier is that the guy behind you in line at the movies is a predator, either convicted and registered or not. The guy behind the counter at the movies selling you your popcorn, the same.
Frankly, this guy needs to be studied by professionals. He went from violent to nonviolent crime, which is nearly unheard of. Usually perverts escalate when they change.