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Old 03-10-2006, 03:43 PM   #1
Bhelliom should edit this
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Default Snow Sucks

GUYSBOROUGH, N.S. (CP) - A Nova Scotia couple facing an $800 municipal bill for refusing to shovel the snow from their sidewalk have paid half that amount to save their home from being sold by town officials.

John and Rona McQuillan of Guysborough have refused to shovel the 20 metres of sidewalk in front of their house since the municipality introduced a snow-clearing bylaw five years ago.

The municipality told the couple they would have to pay at least $400 by Friday or face losing their home in a tax sale - a demand the McQuillans called blackmail.


Now on the one hand, I want to say.... just shovel the damn sidewalk... its the polite thing to do in the first place....

But on the other hand, lose your house in a tax sale for a 400$ fine? seems a little extreme of the city. And how do they do that anyways? I'm sure they pay their municipal taxes... and unlessi 'm mistaken a fine isn't the same thing as a tax.... so how do they justify selling their home from under them in the first place?
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