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Old 03-10-2006, 03:47 PM   #7
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Originally posted by Seska
I am not sure what you mean by yucky. Is it your energy? Your digestion? Headaches? Are you working with a naturopath or doctor? They can give you feedback on your response to the program.

I am nearing the end of a month long detox program. I found I had a huge increase in energy the first week of my program with a dip in the second and third. Other than that I have felt really good. No cravings for salty or greasy foods like I usually have. I am looking forward to introducing certain foods back into my diet but I am really happy to have been eating so "clean".
Well without being too nasty I go to bathroom ALL THE TIME (thinking of moving my office in there) I have a headache and my energy is low... Just did 30 min of cardio and it felt like 1 hour! Now All I'm thinking about is food...lol I can eat quite a bit on this detox (but not the food I crave) I want junk...lol This is my first Official day so I got 11 more days to go and I'm not a quitter, but damn!!! Seska did you lose weight? It would be an added bonus if I did...

I was extremely lucky after I gave birth to Ryan I lost a ton of weight I ended up being thinner then before my pregnancy...But now 3 years later the metabolism is slowing down And I find I need to kick myself in the butt to get going! That's when I decided to see a naturopath.
He suggested I "cleanse" myself... (didn't think I looked like a dirrrrrty girl) lol

OK I can do this!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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