I remember being a small child walking to elementary school and suddenly hitting the house that didn't shovel their sidewalk, and having to backtrack to a driveway and walk out in the street until I got to another driveway and could continue on shoveled sidewalk. Had I known any curse words at the time, I would have used them.
But taking someone's house? Uh...no. Fine them, sure.
FB...we once had a neighbor whose dogs consistently jumped the fence. One of them, a gorgeous Samoyed, loved kids. So, this dog hung out on my front porch and played with the kids. My front porch became part of this dog's "territory," and he defended it and the kids quite well. Naturally, we got a nasty note from the post office, telling us to "restrain our dog." Telling them that it wasn't our dog had no effect. I enquired of the dog why it didn't just go home. The dog smiled the way Samoyeds smile and said "because if I stay here, I get played with, I get petted and the kids sneak me food when they think you're not looking." "Oh," I said and went back in the house.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.