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Old 03-11-2006, 11:02 AM   #24
Mr. Blue
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
So do I tell him I'm waiting for Bruno and risk an offer I can't refuse?
You wait for Bruno of course...sheesh you two timer.

Seriously when my old barber (Joe) was busy and one of the other barbers waved me over I just politely raised my hand and said, "No, I'm waiting for Joe"

Now, to guarantee that this system would always stay in place I used to tip Joe a $5 after every cut. Considering the haircut was $6, this was a good tip...so whenever I said I was waiting, Joe would wave to the other barber to take the next sucker in line.

Only one time did I use the other barber, Joe was out, I needed a haircut, so I settled. The guy sucked, he also cut me with a straight razor by accident (or was it).
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