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Old 03-11-2006, 04:58 PM   #26
Mr. Blue
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Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Mr. Blue...one of the things I admire the most about men is their willingness and ability to be in the same room with a stranger who has a straight razor in his hand. Especially when said straight razor is going to be in the vicinity of both the carotid and the jugular. It's impressive. I don't trust people quite that much.
I happen to shave with a straight razor, best shave you'll ever get. Also, if you cut yourself with a straight razor its so sharp you don't feel it.

Now that you say it though, hmm, yeah a psycho barber could easily...okay, well, I'm glad I don't go to barbers anymore, lol.

My fiancee wanted to shave me with my straight razor...thought it would be "sexy"...umm...NO...it would be dangerous...not sexy...so yeah I do draw the limits to skilled professionals.

I did let her use a disposable razor on me...she cut the hell out of me with that...a straight razor I'd be dead right now, lol.
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