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Old 03-12-2006, 11:25 AM   #4
Nickatilynx should edit this
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Years ago I had a Renault 18 Estate , it was a great car.

We had snow in the UK and Range Rovers etc were getting stuck. "Betsey" kept trucking on through.

And I bought a new Mustang about a month ago. Its sweet.I got the 6 cyl Convertable in silver.

Newton now has the horn for one.But he wants the GT

On the which cars are crap , I've had 100s of cars.
Owning cars is another weekness of mine besause of it I eventually ended up owning part of a classic car garage.The "Traders Insurance" alone made the investment worthwhile

Hard to pick just one that was really crap though...lol

However coolest cars I have owned include
Bentley Turbo R ( have had a couple..)
Porsche Carerra RSR
Bentley S2 Slying Spur
1954 Corvette ( one of the first 3000)
GMC Syclone.
Jag XK 120.

The list goes on

Have had an old Rolls Corniche break down outside a club at closing time in England...that was ummm "fun"..people laughing and making comments like "Should have bought a lada mate" and "Oh my bad show , its failed to proceed"

If anyone is interested I'll scan some pics. ( Which I have never done on any board , funnily enough)
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