Originally posted by Mr. Blue
What Jeep...I didn't see no Jeep in either of the pics
My worst car a Ford Maverick followed by a Impala that was used as a taxi...I bought it for like $200 and it had something like 300,000 or so miles on it...it was a good car though, as long as you didn't stop at any lights...cause...once it stopped it might not start again.
btw, I didn't care that the cars sucked, I had a ton of fun in them, and I should have ripped the back seat out of both of them and put them in the Mr. Blue Memorial Museum.
LOL .. I've had ex taxi impala 1985 and an Parisien 1979, also an ex taxis .. My dad was a cab driver and owner ... LOL ... Completely forgot about those cars .. the Parisien didnt have a working carburator so you need lots of speed to make it over a hill ... LOL .. and when your 16 years old, $5 gas is a shit load of money .. LOL