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Old 03-14-2006, 03:28 PM   #36
MorganGrayson should edit this
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My husband and I have taken to beginning every meal with a salad. There's a local store called "Henry's" (or "Sprouts," depending...the place keeps changing its name) that sells health food, fruits and vegetables, items in bulk...one of those cool places where you spend much less money, come out with a lot more bags...and it's all food.

I have lots of "salad veggies" to get ready today. Romaine lettuce, green lettuce, red lettuce, spinach, cucumber, green onions, Roma tomatoes and red, yellow and green peppers. I'm going to sizzle some boneless, skinless turkey thigh chunks to put in it, too. One huge "chef's salad a la maison" tonight.

For dessert: I sat down with about six pounds or so of fresh peaches, peeled and sliced them then portioned them out into quart freezer bags to freeze. Canned peaches can't hold a candle to the "real stuff."

This makes up for the outrageously good cinnamon raisen bread they sell that I buy for toast. Yummy.

So far my "exercise program" is accompanying Dingo outside and wandering around, but since that's loads more exercise than I *was* getting, I'm a winner.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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