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Old 03-14-2006, 04:26 PM   #25
Sin should edit this
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Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Sin...a "headache cure" given to me by a tech who was giving me an EEG at the time, who'd been through the whole bit for migraines, said a nurse told *her* to go have a cup of coffee and a couple of aspirin. It's a killer knockout combo for headache relief. I've used it...in fact, just a cup of coffee helps me.
I am lucky enough (at least I think so) to have only encountered one full on migraine in my life, I hope I never have to experience anything like it again, my eyes were so sensitive to the light, that I could tell when someone flicked a light on even while I had my eyes closed, and it still made me flinch... it truly sucked.

Completely debilitating, and I have no idea what caused it at the time.... coffee eh? I shall remember that
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