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Old 03-14-2006, 07:21 PM   #29
Trev should edit this
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Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Migraines are indeed the worst of the worst. I get them. I've had them last for as long as three days. After a while - when I consider then reject putting the throbbing head in the oven - it just gets to be a part of me. I can only lay quietly in the dark for so long before saying "oh, fuck this" and getting up and going back to life.

That and the care and concern of four cats and a small dog are a bit much. I can hardly yell at them or push them away. They always know when something's wrong.
Wow that's extreme, the only time I've had a migraine last more than 3 days was when I was about 11... my gp thought it was meningitis and I was hospitalised. One lumbar puncture and two days later I was told I was having a massive migraine attack. it didn't stop it lasting 4 going on 5 days though... it was due to the fact my mother and father were divorcing... so that's chocolate and stress - oh and cheese that give me head hell.
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