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Old 03-17-2006, 12:04 PM   #8
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Ah, 'tis "Conflict Day," it 'tis.

Irish...and pagan...bad combo on St. Patrick's Day. To me, this holiday is all about corned beef, shamrocks and cute little teddy bears wearing green bowler hats. (The Irish are short on holidays, so I use the only one we have.)

However, my Druid son-in-law tends to spend the day glowering, as what St. Patrick actually did was drive the Druids out of Ireland, as there weren't any snakes there in the first place. It's an analogy. Most pagans, including Wiccans, consider St. Patrick a fine old rotter.

However...I refuse to get all bent out of shape over a Catholic of any description...especially since the Today show just brought me the news that some bishops are exempting the "Friday-in-Lent-no-eat-meat" rule for today so that the Irish may hose their corned beef. Some aren't, of course, considering it yet another great day for sacrifice, which is the keystone of the Catholic religion in my book.

I still think green food coloring is a terrible thing to do to beer...and whoever decided to make bagels green should be dragged out into the street and shot. Repeatedly.

A pretty Celtic Knot:
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Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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