03-17-2006, 12:40 PM
should edit this
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
Great now I'm worried....I always wonder what happens when were not there...At what point do you stop worrying? NEVER I'm sure when Ryan is 18 and taller than me I'll still be worried!
Once when I was in my 30's, after some sort of something with my kids, I asked my Mom during a phone call "when do you stop worrying about your kids." She sighed and said "I'll let you know."
One of her better moments...and one of my worst.
With kids ranging from 24-33, I can tell you unequivocally, FB, that you *never* stop worrying. You never stop being a parent. The good news is that you spend *less* time in "parental mode" and grow a really great "friend mode" that just isn't appropriate when the kids are young but is great when they're adults. (You also find out all the stuff they *didn't* tell you when they were teenagers and that can be a rough ride.)
Signing on as a parent is a lifetime committment. That's why only the strong survive.
All you can do is the best you can. That's all anybody can do.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.