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Old 03-17-2006, 12:53 PM   #1
Bhelliom should edit this
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Default I don't know what to call this.. but two things.

Australian strippers win right to meal breaks in new workplace rules

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - Australian strippers have won the right to take time off after taking their clothes off.

The country's Industrial Relations Commission on Friday approved new workplace rules for members of the strippers union, the Striptease Artists Australia.

"We've got rights to have public holiday pay now, which we've never had in our career before," said a union spokeswoman called Mystical Melody. "We've got rosters and set hours. We can't work more than 10 hours a shift."

The award also entitles unionized strippers to overtime, rest periods, meal breaks and maternity leave, she added.

"The majority of workers in the industry are women," Melody said, "so it's probably a really great thing for them to be able to feel confident of having a job after they've had their babies."

Industrial relations commissioner Bill Mansfield said the award set out minimum working conditions but did not set out pay rates.

It was not immediately clear how many members the union has. Its members are believed to work mainly in strip bars and as erotic dancers.

In the past, other strippers have criticized the union, saying its demands for better pay and conditions could lead to job losses.

Two things strike me as odd.

A) A strippers union? can someone explain that to me? I've never heard of this before.

B) What kind of dirty shithole of a stripclub doesn't let they employees take a meal break? and that therefore requires union intervention?
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