03-17-2006, 03:47 PM
should edit this
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
That's why I'm ok with one child...Don't think I could stomach having to worry about 2 kids....Sounds nuts I know I just never thought I could love so much until Ryan was born! I don't want to be corny, but I'll never forget that feeling I got when I first saw him So it's easy to say that I would snap if anything ever happened to him!
Actually, it can be easier with two kids. They look after each other. My youngest lived in a beautiful little world when she was little. So, I kept her home from school every time her street-smart sister had to stay home ill. I felt so much safer sending my "littlest angel" out in the world knowing that the miniature bitch-from-hell was walking with her.
Of course, it did get a little rocky when I had Ms. Goth standing in the kitchen, glaring at me, demanding I home school her sister and NOT send her to that high school.
(If Ms. Goth were a lesser person, she'd be saying "I told you so!" for the rest of her life, too. *sigh*)
Now that they're adults, out in the big scary world, they share an apartment and the older is still looking after the younger, and vice~versa. I feel better knowing they're together.
I know what you mean about the love, FB. I didn't think my heart could swell that much, either. To be honest, I wasn't crazy about the feeling. Loving that much is basically the ability to stand up, look Life straight in the eye and say "do your worst, I can take it."
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.