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Old 03-22-2006, 03:24 PM   #21
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by Dravyk
I shocked myself. Yesterday I was listening to classical, mostly Bach for a few hours. Not sure why the change, but it was a very nice change actually. I plan to do that more often.
I frequently listen to classical music while I'm working, Drav. It's soothing and helps me think. Music with lyrics is distracting, as my mind tends to either be caught up in good lyrics...or sigh heavily and rewrite bad ones. I listen to what is called "Light Classical" on the cable television music channels.

I also like to listen to the salsa channel, because even if they do have lyrics, they're in Spanish, which is soothing.

It also makes my neighbor Francisco tend to boogie while he's doing yard work if he hears it. Fun to watch.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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