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Old 03-23-2006, 12:31 PM   #8
GoodChris is not gay like EVIL Chris
Chris X
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Default Re: Re: Can somebody please explain this to me?

Originally posted by Nickatilynx
Damn thats gotta suck..

OK..let me bring you up to speed.

1.) Urls are pronounced "Yours".They are pronounced like that because they are mine , so you always refer to them as "yours".
When the fog will lift , you will remember that all your sites are mine.In the meantime someone willbe in touch

2.) You get so many emails for penis pills because you are on a database of people who:
a) enquired after them
b) bought some.

This database has been lifted from the original site and sold or traded onto loads of mailers .( ohhh..."mailers" are incredibly nice people that take it as a duty ,nay a mission, to ensure everyone is kept constantly abreast of the best deals on things like , penis pills , pharma , stocks , mortgages , credit card offering , and the contortions of teen Mandy (18) . They are the best friend of an amnesiac as they will remind you every few hours of all of these things

A great body of people , tirelessly ensuring that everyone knows what is happening

Thank you sir for your words of wisdom. I may now be able to once again function in this society because of your kind efforts to help me.

It is also refreshing to know that I may not actually have a small penis or need to refinance my home... and that these kind "mailer" people are merely out there to see if they can improve my life in anyway... thank the lord for giving us beautiful, spiritual people of such generous nature.

And Vid... if banging cartoon ass is where its at, then all power to you brother!
Hit me up for Graphic design and webmastering.

ICQ 12531824
MSN chrisbegin at hotmail dot com

(same email address as well)

I'm not Easy, but sometimes I get tricked
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