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Old 03-24-2006, 04:00 PM   #8
King Adam
King Adam should edit this
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Originally posted by DonMike
You know, King Adam, I'd be inclined to agree, but you need to get your butt to the theater to see the remake of The Hills Have Eyes.

I grew up on horror movies and usally poo poo every new attempt that comes down the pike. The remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was gross as all get out but scary? Nah. The Hills Have Eyes scared the crap out of me. It was gross and nasty, yes, but it had the right amount of jumps and jitters to make me thank God and RandyBlue that the wonderful powers that be here at MaxPixels are flying my ass out to Phoenix because there is not a chance in hell that I am ever... and I repeat EVER going to be driving through the desert again. This movie does for transdesert travel what Jaws did for swimming pools and Psycho did for showers.

Two thumbs up and a round of a paws.
The Hills Have Eyes .. never heard of it. I'll have to give it a shot. But then again, I live in the desert. I hope this movie doesn't ruin it.
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