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Old 03-24-2006, 05:01 PM   #1
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Default Even funnier because...

...it was sent to me by my Lithuanian mother-in-law.

A man goes into a store and asks the clerk for some "Polish

The clerk looked at him and asked "Are you Polish?"

The guy, clearly offended, says "Well, yes I am. But let me ask you something. If I asked you for Italian Sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian? Or, if I asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German? Or if I asked you for a Kosher Hot Dog, would you ask me if I was Jewish? If I asked you for a Taco, would you ask me if I was Mexican? Would ya, huh? Would ya?"

The clerk says, "Well, no."

"And if I asked you for some Irish Whiskey, would you ask me if
I was Irish? What about Canadian Bacon, would you ask me if I was Canadian?"

"Well, I probably wouldn't."

With great indignation, the guy says, "Well, all right then, why did you ask me if I'm Polish, just because I asked for Polish Sausage?

The clerk replies, "Because you're at Home Depot."
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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